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Book 7 Unit 3 Under the Sea Old Tom The Killer Whale Teaching Design 教学设计

  • 漯河高中
  • 2022-05-24 09:47
  • 阅读 2510

Book 7 Unit 3 Under the Sea

Old Tom The Killer Whale

Teaching Design





1. Teaching Material 教学材料

Warming up and Reading Old Tom The Killer Whale of Unit 3 Under the Sea from New Senior English for China Student’s Book 7


2. Teaching Aims 教学目标

A. To help students know some basic knowledge of whales;帮助学生了解关于鲸鱼的基本知识;

B. To improve students reading ability by skimming and scanning; 通过略读和寻读训练提高学生阅读能力;

C. To help students understand these two anecdotes and figure out the relationships between characters;帮助学生理解两篇奇闻轶事并弄清楚人物关系;

D. To improve students awareness of protecting whales and other sea species.提高学生保护鲸鱼和其他海洋生物的意识。

3. Key and Difficult Points教学重难点

Make students have an overall understanding of the main idea of the whole text by skimming and scanning通过略读和寻读使学生对全文大意做整体理解。

Understand the relationship between killer whales and whalers理解虎鲸与捕鲸人的关系。

Make students aware of the urgency of protecting sea species and spread this idea to others使学生意识到保护海洋生物的急切性并能够将此观念传达给他人

4. Teaching Procedures 教学过程







Step 1 Lead in

A song A whale in the sea


To arouse Ss’ interests in whales and lead in the topic


Step 2 Warming-up

Take a look at the world under the sea with some pictures and especially focus on whales 用图片带领学生进入到海底世界,特别突出鲸鱼

To help Ss know some sea species and especially killer whales帮助学生了解一些海洋生物,引出虎鲸

Step 3 Pre-reading

1. Talk about basic information about whales 谈论鲸鱼的基本知识

2. Predict whats happening according to a picture with whales and whalers on Page 19 根据课本19页鲸鱼和捕鲸人的一幅图让学生猜一猜图中发生了什么

1. To lay the foundation for Ss recognizing killer whales and baleen whales on the following picture为下面学生认识图片上的虎鲸和须鲸奠定基础

2. To develop Ss ability of imagination and expression培养学生的想象力和表达能力

Step 4 While-reading

1. Focus on the title Old Tom The Killer Whale and ask Ss two questions: Who is Old Tom? Do killer whales kill or attack people?

关注文章标题,询问学生老汤姆是谁?Killer whale指的是杀人鲸吗?

2. Skim the passage quickly to grasp the key information:time, characters and events


3. Read Anecdote 1 and find out what Old Tom and the other killers did to help the whalers catch huge baleen whales. And discuss in groups to write a sentence into the story line to form the story. 阅读故事一,找出老汤姆和其他虎鲸帮助捕鲸人抓捕须鲸的过程,并小组讨论总结一句话填入故事线内

4. Check the prediction and let Ss think about the relationship between whales and whalers


5. Read Anecdote 2 and answer how and why Old Tom protected James 阅读故事二并回答老汤姆是如何救James的,为何要救他

6. Repeat the question: Do killer whales kill or attack people? If not, who are the real killers? Play a video to help Ss learn about the situation the current sea species live in


1. To enhance Ss abilities of fast reading and find the key information提高学生快速阅读及抓取主要信息的能力

2. To cultivate Ss summary and cooperative learning ability


3. To help Ss better understand the whole story of Anecdote 1帮助学生更好的了解奇闻轶事一中发生的故事

4. 5. To develop Ss thinking ability培养学生的思考能力

6.To help Ss realize the truth that part of sea species is endangered because of our human beings destructive behavior


Step 5 Post-reading

To design a poster on behalf of the sea species to call on human beings to protect them


To develop Ss abilities of imagination and expression, and improve Ss awareness of protecting sea species


Step 6 Summary

Make a summary with a sentence:To protect sea species is to protect ourselves


To help Ss to realize the urgency of protecting sea species and spread the idea


Step 7 Homework

Finish the poster and write down a passage to call on people to protect sea species


To develop students writing ability





5. Blackboard Design 板书设计


6. Teaching Reflection 教学反思



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